  • 我的观影记录

 《Legend of Lianshi》 introduce

Lu Ji, also known as Gongji, was an official of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period. He was appointed as the governor of Yulin and was upright, with clean sleeves and a reputation for honesty that was widely passed down.At that time, Lu Ji Yulin served his full term and returned home by taking the waterway. However, during his tenure, he never received any financial gifts. When he returned home, his luggage was light and simple, and it was difficult to withstand the wind and waves by crossing the water in a light boat. Therefore, he carried a large stone to ballast the cabin, so that he could sail smoothly across the sea. Fan Zhi, the Ming Dynasty's supervisory envoy, visited Suzhou and admired Lu Ji's honesty. He engraved the word"Lian Shi" on the huge stone that Lu Ji brought back from the Yulin ballast to Suzhou that year, and moved it outside the yamen gate for officials and the people to admire. Over 1700 years have passed, and today the Suzhou Discipline Inspection Commission has created a professional anti-corruption website called Lianshi Network under the name of"Lianshi". This drama is based on the plot of"Lianshi", highlighting the image of the protagonist Lu Ji as an honest official, diligent in politics for the people, engraved with stones as a monument, and vigilant against officials during his tenure as the governor of Yulin.Lu Ji was ordered to take over as the Governor of Yulin. On his departure, apart from a simple luggage, he carried only a posthumous work left by his father, the"Collection of Corrupt Officials from Past Dynasties". The book includes the greedy achievements of dozens of corrupt officials who have left a lasting reputation for the world throughout history, as well as their almost identical shameful fate. Lu Ji gifted this book to his subordinates as a warning, and at the beginning of his tenure, he reorganized the government and advocated for clean governance in the Yulin Yamen. As soon as this action was taken, strange events occurred one after another in Yulin City: 30000 kilograms of official copper in the official warehouse were stolen overnight, causing the newly appointed governor, who had only been in office for three days, to face the crisis of being dismissed and dismissed from office due to dereliction of duty; When the Crown Prince passed the"Hundred Days", a large number of people suddenly came to celebrate and give gifts; The"regular money" that Lu Ji explicitly prohibited from distributing to the public mysteriously appeared on his desk. Lu Ji finally understood that all these strange things were secretly manipulated by someone, and the only purpose of the initiator was to pull him into the water and make the newly appointed governor conform to the standards and join in with them. Faced with the successive offensives of corrupt groups, Lu Ji, a good governor, was unable to be swayed by inducements and was not afraid of coercion: he skillfully refused financial gifts at the"Hundred Day Banquet"; Plan to retreat thousands of people in front of the county government office; Oath to abide by the oath of the"Greedy Spring" at the foot of the mountain; The burning of the official residence shook the world, and after thrilling battles, justice defeated evil, integrity won the hearts of the people, and finally the truth about the theft of official copper was discoveredIn order to advocate for clean governance and warn corrupt officials to take warning, Lu Ji took stone tablets and engraved the corrupt officials in the"Collection of Historical Corrupt Officials" one by one on the shame tablets. He also invited the families of the officials to tell them about the almost identical tragic fate of corrupt officials throughout history. The families of the officials were horrified and awakened, crying to persuade their husbands not to follow the footsteps of those corrupt officials on the shame tablets when they returned home, Although they were proud for a while, they all ended up in different places, destroying their families and exterminating their families. Those unscrupulous officials couldn't help but cry and advise their wives and children, and all surrendered to the governor one by one, indicating that they had reformed and become clean officials from then on. Lu Taishou warned the world with a stone tablet, cleaned up the filth of the yamen, and tidied up the governance of the officialdom. Even his opponents had to exclaim that he was truly invincible and spotless, with money hard to shake his will and beauty hard to move his heart. He was like a sage, always standing at the top of virtue, overlooking me. How did I win him over such a person.Lu Ji's integrity and self-protection were deeply supported by the people of Yulin. At a critical moment when the soldiers of Yulin City were overwhelming, tens of thousands of people in the city stepped forward and stood behind the governor. In a battle of seizing the city with vastly different forces, they achieved a complete victory due to the governor's unanimous response and the people's unity.Lu Ji returned to his hometown after serving his duties, and the people spontaneously came to the dock to bid farewell to this honest official with tears in their eyes. When the people saw that they had been a local herdsman for several years, but still had no surplus wealth when they returned home and had to move a large stone ballast, they couldn't help but shed tears in their eyes

 《廉石傳奇》 繁體簡介

陸績,字公紀,三國時東吳官吏,官至郁林太守,為人正直,兩袖清風,廉名盛傳於世。當年陸績郁林任滿,取水道返鄉,由於在任時從不收受財禮,任滿返鄉時行李輕簡,輕舟渡水難壓風浪,就搬一大石壓艙,始得行船平穩過海。 明代監察禦使樊祉巡視蘇州,感佩陸績的清廉,就在當年陸績從郁林壓艙帶回蘇州的那塊巨石上鐫刻了“廉石”二字,並把此石移置到衙門外,供官員和百姓瞻仰。 一千七百多年過去了,今天的蘇州市紀律檢查委員會,又以此石為名,創建了反腐倡廉專業網站——廉石網——本劇即以“廉石”為基構置情節,突出主人公陸績在任郁林太守時的清廉為官、勤政為民、刻石為碑、警戒官吏的廉吏形象。陸績奉命接任郁林太守,臨行時,除了一擔簡單的行李,懷裡揣著的只有其父留給他的一本遺作,《曆代貪官集錄》。 該書中收錄了歷朝歷代幾十比特給世人留下千古駡名的貪官污吏的貪婪實績,以及他們幾乎相同的耻辱命運。 陸績將此書贈予所屬,以作警示,並在上任之初,就在郁林衙門裏整飭吏治,宣導廉政。 此舉一出,郁林城裡便接二連三地發生怪事:官府倉庫裏的三萬斤官銅在一夜之間被盜一空,使上任不過三天的新任太守,就面臨防範失職而被撤職罷官的危機; 太守公子過“百日”時,突然湧來大批慶賀送禮的百姓; 陸績明令禁止向民間攤派收受的“常例錢”又神秘地出現在他的案桌上。 陸績終於明白,所有這一切怪事,都是有人在暗中操縱,而始作俑者的目的只有一個,就是要拉他下水,使這位新上任的太守入彀就範,與他們同流合污。 面對貪腐集團的一次次攻勢,好一個太守陸績,利誘難為所動,威逼不為所懼:“百日宴”上巧拒財禮; 郡衙門前計退萬民; “貪泉”山下盟誓守節; 火燒官邸威震四方,一場場驚心動魄的較量之後,正義戰勝了邪惡,清廉贏得了民心,終於查清官銅失盜真相……為宣導廉政,正告貪腐者引以為戒,陸績取石刻碑,將《曆代貪官集錄》中的貪官污吏一個個都刻在了耻辱碑上,並請來官者家屬,向她們講述了歷代貪官幾乎一色的悲慘下場,官者家屬們聽得毛骨悚然,幡然醒悟,回家後,都哭著勸說自已的丈夫,身在官場切不可步那些耻辱碑上的貪官後塵, 雖得意一時,最終卻一個個都落得身首異處,毀家滅族,那些不良官吏禁不住妻兒的哭啼勸告,一個個都到太守面前投案自首,表明從此洗心革面,清廉為官。 陸太守以石碑警世,蕩滌了衙門污濁,整飭了官場吏治,就連他的對手也不得不發出這樣的感歎:他果然是百毒不侵、一塵不染,錢財難撼其志,美色難動其心,他就象一個聖人,始終站在德操之巔,俯瞰於我,這樣的人我又如何贏得了他。陸績的清廉自守,深得郁林百姓的擁戴,當郁林城大兵壓境的危急關頭,全城數萬百姓挺身而出,都站在了太守的身後,一場力量懸殊的奪城之戰,卻因為太守的一呼百應和百姓們的眾志成城而大獲全勝。陸績任滿回鄉,百姓們自發來到碼頭揮淚送別這位廉吏。 當百姓們看到當了幾年一方牧守,回鄉時卻仍然是身無餘財而不得不搬塊大石壓艙的時候,一個個都禁不住地熱淚盈眶……


公元 2023年,由  钱林森 等老师负责剧本编写, 阚卫平导演负责制作, 于荣光,杜淳,罗嘉良,赵文瑄 等明星实力参演的 国产剧《廉石传奇》, 此影片于2023-09-09上映, 更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮在线观看!影视狗祝您观影愉快!

影视狗影视于 2023-10-17 18:35:59整理收录此片,并在 2024-06-05 18:57:30再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《廉石传奇》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:廉石传奇廉石传奇在线观看廉石传奇免费观看廉石传奇百度云廉石传奇下载 等。



  • 1、请问电影《廉石传奇》什么时候上映?

    网飞TV 影迷: 电影《廉石传奇》于2023年在中国上映 ,具体的上映日期为2023-09-09。

  • 2、请问哪个网站可以免费在线观看《廉石传奇》?

    奈飞中文 网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:《廉石传奇》免费在线观看,就可以找到免费播放资源了。手机免费看廉石传奇免费网址:https://www.yingshi.dog/voddetail/392390.html这个网站免费无广告。 这个网站资源相对比较多,如果观看不了或者更新不及时只需要【切换线路即可】

  • 3、请问《廉石传奇》什么类型的电影?

    时代TV 网友:《廉石传奇》是2023年中国制作的古装,剧情类电影。

  • 4、请问谁有《廉石传奇》高清无删减版资源

    美团电影 网友:影视狗提供《廉石传奇》高清无删减版在线播放,这个网站高清无广告!截止到2024-06-05 18:57:30,影视狗提供的《廉石传奇》已经更新到 第30集完结 画质。

  • 5、电影《廉石传奇》演员都有哪些?

    哈哈影视 网友:廉石传奇有以下主演:于荣光,杜淳,罗嘉良,赵文瑄

  • 6、电影《廉石传奇》评价怎么样?


  • 7、电影《廉石传奇》Neflix影评

    Ne tflix电影最佳影评:我感觉《廉石传奇》还不错的, 阚卫平导演设计了很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 于荣光,杜淳,罗嘉良,赵文瑄等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。



